Thursday, December 17, 2009

why the hell is everyone a pokemon this month?
it's annoying, when half of (or how it seems) my friends list have these little display pictures of pokemon.
meh, whatever. i sold pokemon cards in like 5th grade in this huge binder of mine. i had so many, and i would buy them from this little shop on Main Street. I forgot what it was called...legends or something?
anyways, that era should be far over!
maybe i am just bitter.

this weekend i have plans to go christmas shopping. so i'd like to get a vague idea of who i am purchasing gifts for and what kind of things people want. they have to be sort of small. depending on your importance to me of course. ;] tehe.

So, I've been seeing these X's in the sky lately. usually when the sky starts getting darker.
it almost looks like black clouds shaped as little X's.
Tonight I saw a really big X. Almost as if it was some portal or something, then I tried taking a picture of it. But on the camera, it was just sky.
They say that the dark plays with your mind, but in this case it isn't that dark. It's a little after sunset when there is still enough light to see clouds and stars. you know what I mean? I don't know, I feel ridiculous.

Last night I woke up to porn. Cinemax, or how many people say it (SKIN-emax).
I dosed off around, eh, 11. Then I guess Matt kept IM'ing me around midnight or so and I woke up, must of been a light sleep. So i hear moaning, and i'm like, hm i wonder if knocked up is on or maybe hannah montana.
I look up and i see this ethnic couple in a sauna, the girl sitting on his lap bouncing up and down (for those who don't know this position, it's the reverse cowgirl.) and i was just like, WHAT THE FUUUUUCK cause i remember falling asleep to some cheesy romance movie or something. I click info and it was like, deeeeeeeep erotic something: 2.
I dont really know I didnt stick around to read it, i changed the channel immediately. I feel awkward watching that kind of stuff! I mean, what if I actually got turned on at some mediocre soft-core porn with Enrique-wannabes?!
how awful would that be!
luckily, this was just a coincidence. I mean, I have no problem with classy well structured porn. Although none of it is anything you'd ever really find me watching unless it was involved with a man and we were fulfilling some fantasy, but, whatever.

So. Todays grocery store adventures held interesting happenings.
I got hit on in the frozen food section by a 70 something year old man (looked healthy, not scrawny, possible heart disease?) basically telling me that i looked fertile, ew! I had my coat in the front of my cart and we were side-by-side looking at frozen things and he said "so doll, what will you be enjoying tonight?"
i say "excuse me?"
"food, darlin." with a smile.
"oh, ha, just frozen waffles i guess." and i reach to pick out my selected waffles and he looks at my coat in the cart. tells me that he thought it was a baby in there. I say, no sir, much too young for that...
"you look like you are old enough to have all the children you want"
" thanks? what's your name?"
"Ed. a lovely lady like you must have a handsome man at home"
"nope ed, no man. there are only boys where i'm from. i am only 17, you know."
"17, get out of town. if i'm making you uncomfortable at all, i'll just be on my way"
"no no, that isnt it. but i should go, i have to meet up with a couple friends. it was really nice meeting you ed."
"you too doll" with a tip of his hat, he was gone.

now, i dialogued that as best as i could, that was basically how the random conversation went.
i just find it so silly, haha. men that age cant even really get it up anymore without the help of medication. what do they care?
anyways, it was really odd to say the least.
just so we're on the same page, i DONT like old men. ugh!
besides, the only man who will always have the ability to win my heart is the one and only michael cera :] that or andy samberg.

bridget and i had one of our long nightly chats tonight and i realized how much i dearly love her.
we always say the right things to each other, just the best of friends. if we were a guy and a girl, we'd so date because of how much we'd mesh! we have the right things in common, yet differ in so many ways.
thats why i'm glad we are best friends. : )

that was so disney channel.
i can get so lame in blogs.
i'm gonna go,


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