Tuesday, October 20, 2009

you are just like an avalanche, cold as i might have guessed. but at least i'm covered up for now.

well hi,
I don't know why I haven't been blogging as much as I have before, or how much often I even will.
lately, it almost seems pointless to blog about what's going on.
people notice that i write things that only make sense to me, and they question it.
"what did that one thing you write mean?"
"who are you talking about in your last blog?"
then i think, man, my blogs must really be confusing. so what's the point in even writing them? who am i pleasing by writing?
here i complain, yet my fingers still scurry around the keyboard and words are put down.
i watched the sixth sense for the first time ever, today.
this morning actually. aaron talked me into seeing it, every time i would almost get to watching it before today i'd chicken out because people would tell me how scary it is.
the truth is that the movie has been out for so long, even people who have never seen it knows that bruce willis is a ghost the whole time. the 'twist' has been out the day the movie went to theaters, so that little part was ruined for me. I didn't find it as scary as i had it in my head. it was a tad creepy but not really scary to me at all.
but trust me, this morning i would have much rather been doing something else than watching the sixth sense.
even though during this short time you weren't with me much, i still treasured every second.
but i'm guessing it's over. for now. and i don't know or even care if everything before was just talk but i thoroughly enjoyed it all, every word.
i'll be missing so much.

i had the loveliest of walks today. i was wearing weather appropriate clothes and it felt delicious outside.
i talked to bridget for a bit, we are planning a sleepover sometime this week.
then i guess either i'm going to the lakehouse this weekend (which i'm not sure if i really want to go) or bridget and i are going to savannah to look for halloween costumes.
i don't want to dress slutty this year. but i do want to be a cute-sexy thing.
just need to find out what that 'thing' is..
no set halloween plans yet, but i'll hopefully be doing something extremely fun.

i watched where the wild things are this weekend, while i thought it was essentially one of the cutest movies i've seen in a long time, i did have different expectations.
nonetheless, it was lovely.
[i never say lovely...]
i think i am getting a car fairly soon. i've been trying to nag my dad as much as i can by telling him to take me here and there, and picking me up places. i've even pulled the whole, i'm so sad because i can't leave the house card. but ultimately, i really want a job. honestly, i really want one.
i want to be making my own money and not have to ask my dad for allowance anymore, i'd like to do things more independently. step one: get a car, and get there.
besides, i'm tired of making my friends have to come out here and get me. i miss being able to do that for them, and get myself where i need to be.
..and wow, adam brody is severely attractive.
bah, i feel so cliche thinking he is cute now.
ha, i remember in middle school, taylor somers and i worshiped his poster.

i might as well stop blogging while i'm ranting about stupid shit.
g'night friends.

i really like this song : )

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