Sunday, July 14, 2013


Here I am, completely restless. I've slept absolutely perfectly the whole entire weekend, and of course the one night where I have to wake up early insomnia strikes. So I am doing what helps the most in situations like these, and that is to write. Anything.
First off, I'd like to say I've grown pretty fond over a show on Netflix that I started to watch. Finished the whole season in a week, don't know how. It's called "Orange is the New Black". It's a Netflix original, so I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. But I found that I was very attached to it, and also Jason Biggs is in it making it that much better.
This weekend seemed pretty short. I managed to get a lot done though which has taken a lot off of my plate. Majorly, that would be just me cleaning my whole entire room. Yes. For those of you who don't believe me, then, fuck off. Come see it yourself. I had two trash bags full of junk that I just didn't need anymore. All of my clothes were put away, the floor was swept, I even found space to lay my yoga mat. So now every morning I have no excuse to why I can't do a couple sun salutations in the morning. It's my dream room basically, now. I put on facebook days ago that I was changing for the better, and this is part of the start. Next I need to tackle my car, and cleaning that. Which I still seem to keep putting off. I did clean it out somewhat last week but it's still not how I wanted it. Once I can cross that off my list, I will know I really have changed.
I have rekindled friendships with people I haven't spoken to in a while as well, and as we all know that can be one of the nicest feelings.

On Thursday, I finally turn 21. It's weird, it's not even a big deal and yet it still hasn't hit me. I feel like it's one of those weird ages we used to always dream of as young teenagers and envy those who were of age. Always felt like it was never coming. But it is. And it's now. What does it really even mean? I can drink, yeah, I really an adult now? How can age determine who you really are. Why does America get to tell me that I can handle my liquor in a few days from now better than I have been since I started? Or that I am finally ready to be independent, no longer needing the help from any type of guardians. I've been on my own for a while now, age never had anything to do with it. This country turns time into such an illusion, painting a picture in our heads that we need to follow a guideline to meet human standards. Everyone is different though, we don't have a timer waiting to go off.
This tangent has gone way too far, I didn't mean to write on this for more than 2-3 sentences. If I don't stop talking about it now, I never will. And I know I didn't convey at all how I feel about the matter, my mind isn't working too well tonight.
I don't want to give off the wrong impression either, because yes, I am excited for my birthday.
The last two weren't all that great and I'm hoping that since I'll be with everyone I could possibly want to be with, it couldn't go wrong at all. Even if I were just spending it with them doing nothing at all, in no place important at all.
Just gotta get through three days of work first. It's not even the work that bothers me, more so just the management.

well this is working. I'm getting tired, so I guess I can call it a night then. This blog post royally sucks.


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