I woke up pretty late & hung out with the sisters. We went shopping, and then back to the house to play scattergories. before that, I played Monopoly with my sister Lacie, and she beat me bad. I am always bad at knowing which properties to buy, and I always go to jail. Or the community chest/chance cards I get makes me lose money.
and she always gets monopoly and buys all these houses to make me pay her more. I'm not terrible at the game though.
Anyways after that we went to this really creepy Thai restaurant that was kind of a hole in the wall. Just a man & his wife's business and has only been open for a few months. They were so sketch, the guy who was our waiter. the only waiter. I looked around and realized he had a lot of framed pictures of mushrooms. I simply asked, "Sir, not to seem rude, but what's the deal with all the photographs of mushrooms." He whipped his head quickly and looked at me and almost immediately said, "I love mushrooms." So I just kind of looked down, a little weirded out because he went over all these facts on mushrooms and how he picks them. The food was really good, I never had Thai before, but I enjoyed it, even though it was a little spicy. He started talking about the shrooms that people get high on, they're called the Purple Ring mushroom or something. They can grow in cow or horse shit. They range from SC to beyond. He goes, but don't eat those unless you feel like laughing in a closet, and you have nothing else to do for the next 6-12 hours. and just stared at us blankly. and very seriously. i just go, okay i'm going to the bathroom.
I go and look around, I don't actually use the bathroom, but I always like the way ethnic bathrooms look. the decorations were cool, then I saw a comment card. Someone already wrote, "great atmosphere." I thought it was bazaar, so I wrote:
haha, nice toilet.
so we left after he told us more and more facts about mushrooms, I feel like I know a lot about them now.
anyways, my sisters and i thought of something funny to do.
one day i should go up to some random house i dont know, preferably with pretty holiday decorations and knock on the door. when they open im just gonna stare at them, with my mouth open, smiling, looking stupid and just stare at them for a really long time. then i'll just wave bye and walk away
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