okay, so I have just arrived to Beaufort.
Sure it's really super close to Hilton Head but trust me it's worlds away.
I went Christmas Shopping today, I forgot how incredibly hard it is to do that.
sweaters are always a nice gift, i've come to realize.
I've been hanging out with Catie a lot this weekend and it's been wonderful, she's a lot of fun.
We hung out with other people as well.
i'm terrible with helping people understand my exact feelings, but i like when they try to figure it out. or show an interest at all, you know?
lately a couple of guys have made passes at me making it obvious they are very into me. guys i'm just not interested in at the end of the day for my own picky ass reasons.
i'm hard to satisfy, yet i'm not.
see, i can't explain anything haha. i don't think i want to be tied down now, just can't do it at the moment because i need one hell of good proof to show they deserve me.
as for now, i'll just go with whatever each day brings me.
going pretty well, wouldn't you say? you wouldn't know, would you.
and if you did would you agree with it?
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