Look how cheap they are! A dollar cent!

Last year my dad got drunk and did some not so classy things in her bathroom with his date.
Ew. I am so sorry Catie.
But anyways, I suggest that you guys go to her party and keep her company (:
Tomorrow is CHRISTMAS. I'm not really in the whole, 'Christmas Spirit' like I have been previous years. It's weird how that happens.
Last year I wasn't really either but I just though, eh, maybe it's just this year and the others will be different. But now I come to realize that I may never be as into Christmas as I used to be.
I really want to though, It was always such a favorite time of mine :]
I got people presents this year that I really hope they'll like. I can't wait til they open it.
I want to see my friends in Hilton Head super bad.
It's only been 2 or 3 days but seems much longer.
I love you guyyyys. I still have some people here I need to catch up with as well.
Okay well I'm going to help around the house and feel useful.
This blog was gay.
8 on a scale of 1-10 on lameness.
no one came though :(
like no one i didn't know was coming came.
the night is still young though!
i can't wait to see you tomorrow :D
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