it always makes me so sad, though. normally, when i see awful things occur in movies, i remember that it's just a movie.
but movies like this one, are based off of true events. the World War II era is incredibly depressing.
they gave jews no rights at all, the stupid germans would throw wheel-chaired elderly men off of balconies, and murder innocent jewish children if they were doing something simply wrong.
imagine being born like this, in a jewish family, and in this time period. you would have absolutely NO control over anything. and maybe we did go through it all, if you believe in reincarnation.
anyways, the main character (i think in the movie his name is like Wladyslaw or something) is a jew trying to survive the ghetto of WWII being a pianist, and it's a hard struggle for him, of course.
so this movie is kind of inspirational, you can say. I enjoy it a lot because I love anything that has to do with a piano in general. I love the piano, I love anything with keys. The sound, the graceful hand movements, the flow, the notes. mmm.
i had a wonderful, quite fantastic day to say the least.
i was with my little group of friends, and we went to a lunch outing and then kayaking in hampton lakes.
it's so relaxing out there, it's just a lake that divides into different paths only surrounded by trees, and today it was slightly warm and the sun looked phenomenal. playing old classics on my ipod from portable ipod speakers. it was a dream..
then we found this abandoned house on a trail, not really abandoned, just vacant. it had just been built and no one had moved in yet. so we went upstairs and played our predictable game of apples to apples.
i loved today. ah!
i'm confused about so much.
i don't know where to begin...
but i'm not starting here.
goodnight lovers.

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