i called terry to discuss why things have been weird, and why he was upset or anything with me.
we talked everything out & i guess everything is fine again.
we'll see.
people are so strange, they are.
i have a chem. tutor now named Nysa Hicks, she's really nice & we get along super well & she goes to hhhs, knowing a lot of my friends and stuff. I like her.
I like meeting new people lately, it's a good time to start at least.
Pant's is doing very well. She's really healthy and loves to play & be super cute and cuddles with me alllll the time :) I love her little nose, she's just perfect.
as for you...
why are you telling me this now? i can't feel that way for you, not anymore. i tried to see things that way, but it's just...weird for me. it's random and so out of the blue. what's so great about me anyways.
why me?
I think i'm going tubing this weekend :) & then a lot of fun events to come.
I've mastered Mahjong quite well. I'm able to beat many levels, haha.
Timmy IM'd me on AIM just now, he wants to hang out soon.
YES! my dream.
oh! good news, remember my creepy blog about my sister Lacie maybe getting engaged to Zach Zoller?
they just got engaged! I'm so happy for her.
they live in Hawaii and I hope they have a wedding in Hawaii.
I love pineapples..
here's a picture of her ring:
well i think i'm done with blogging for tonight.
text or IM me, whoever.
I'd like to talk (:
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